Sigma Alpha Mu Philanthropy

Who We Support

Every year we hold a number of philanthropy events to support several organizations. The main organizations we work with and raise money for are The Judy Fund, The Make-A-Wish Foundation, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and Extra-Life.


This event is one our chapter has put on since receiving our charter and is the largest event we organize every year. PoleSit consists of a brother sitting in our "Crow's Nest" at the top of a 30 ft telephone pole at all times for an entire week. Throughout the week, the chapter has multiple events at the base of the pole for the RIT community to take advantage of and learn more about the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

We raised over $6,000 in 2020's Polesit Event.

Run for the Fund

Our NEWEST event - Run for the Fund featured over 151 miles worth of running for the Judy Fund, raising over $2,566 for the event held last Spring!

Extra Life

Our 24 hour live stream event. Consisted of over 10 games played for 24 hours straight to raise money for local childrens hospitals!